High School Programs

Project Success

Project Success for High School Students

Project Success: Opening the Door to Biomedical Careers

Project Success: Opening the Door to Biomedical Careers is a program for BOSTON and CAMBRIDGE high school students only, particularly underrepresented in medicine and/or disadvantaged students, to participate in paid, mentored, summer research internships at Harvard Medical School and its affiliated institutions. The program is augmented by seminars and workshops given by faculty and administrators, site visits, and career guidance.

Application Process and Deadline

The final application deadline for Project Success is Monday, February 3, 2025.

Download and review the Application Checklist (the checklist includes a link to the online application)

If you have additional questions after reviewing the checklist, please email us at projectsuccess@hms.harvard.edu.

We encourage students to join one of our virtual sessions to learn more about Project Success:

  • Monday, January 13 | 6:30 - 7:15 PM; or
  • Wednesday, January 15 | 6:30 -7:15 PM

Students can register for an information session by completing this form

Components of the Project Success Program:

Summer Internships: Paid in-person research mentoring and seminars for 7 weeks, from June 30th to August 15th, 2025.

Educational Opportunities: Placement and Mentoring in a Harvard Medical School or affiliated institution research lab; seminars with researchers and physicians; site visits to hospitals and biotechnology organizations; computer training; development of writing and speaking skills; academic year seminars and special programs.

Student Support: Assigned mentors and research advisors; career guidance; networking with students in other summer programs.

Program Goals

  • To identify, recruit and nurture talented students from Boston and Cambridge, particularly students from groups underrepresented in medicine and/or disadvantaged, who are interested in pursuing biomedical careers.
  • To link students with scientists and physicians. Students will assess their interest in and aptitude for biomedical careers; engage in hands-on research to enhance their technical skills and scientific knowledge; and be encouraged to become critical thinkers.
  • To provide continuing support and resources for students in developing academic and professional career paths.

Eligible Students Must:

  1. Reside in Boston or Cambridge, Massachusetts.
  2. Be a high school student, particularly a student from a racial or ethnic background underrepresented in medicine and/or from a disadvantaged background.
  3. Have completed the junior or senior year of high school and be at least 16 years on June 30, 2025.
  4. Have demonstrated an interest and ability in science, interest in pursuing a biomedical science or health-related career, and commitment to attending college.
  5. Have maintained a Grade Point Average (GPA) of 2.70, and have completed biology, algebra, and chemistry.
  6. Be willing to complete all required formal oral and written reports; attend all Project Success-sponsored seminars; and maintain good attendance and performance on required research projects.
  7. Be open to participating in selected Harvard Medical School Educational Outreach Programs for a year after completing the program.
  8. Ensure your parent/guardian understands the requirements of the program and has given their consent for you to participate

Project Success 2024

Project Success 2023

Project Success 2022: Our Biomedical Journey