Better Together
Quad Diversity Committee
The Quad Diversity Committee is comprised of quad department faculty who are identified by quad department chairs. Members will serve as liaisons for all diversity-related matters in their respective departments. In addition to reporting on departmental diversity activities related to recruitment, retention and belonging, each representative is responsible for disseminating information to their departments regarding opportunities, policies, practices and programs applicable to advancing diversity, inclusion and belonging at the department level, particularly opportunities for collaborative efforts. The Committee meets up to four times a year to monitor the Task Force on Diversity and Inclusion recommendations and the status of HMS Strategic Plan expectations; review annual diversity reports prepared by each quad department; provide input for processes related to open searches, metric development, and to provide expertise on issues related to the faculty life cycle. On an annual basis, the Quad Diversity Committee presents to the Diversity and Inclusion Committee. The Committee is co-chaired by two faculty members who will serve two-year staggered terms. Committee members will serve three-year overlapping terms that may be renewed. This Committee can, as required, establish ad hoc subcommittees on special interest topics, areas of strategic need, or to convene constituents who serve critical roles related to diversity and inclusion, such as departmental administrators.
Membership: The Quad Diversity Committee includes faculty at the level of associate or full professor. Faculty should have a history of commitment to diversity, inclusion and belonging. Special knowledge or interest in particular groups such as women, URiM, international fellows and faculty, graduate students, post-doctoral fellows and junior faculty, is also a strong consideration.
Quad Diversity Committee Members
Nils Gehlenborg, PhD
Department of Biomedical Informatics
Harvard Medical School
Marcia Haigis, PhD
Department of Cell Biology
Harvard Medical School
Mercedes Becerra, ScD
Department of Global Health and Social Medicine
Harvard Medical School
Whitney Gibbs, PhD
Department of Neurobiology
Harvard Medical School
Karina Gonzalez Herrera, PhD
Division of Medical Sciences and GSAS
Harvard University
James Gould, PhD
Office of Postdoctoral Fellows
Harvard Medical School
Michael Greenberg, PhD
Department of Neurobiology
Harvard Medical School
Sahand Hormoz, PhD
Department of Systems Biology
Harvard Medical School
Peter Howley, PhD
Department of Immunology
Harvard Medical School
Andrew Lassar, PhD
Department of Biological Chemistry and Molecular Pharmacology
Harvard Medical School
E. Hang Le
Office of Institutional Planning and Policy
Harvard Medical School
Franziska Michor, PhD
Department of Computational Biology
Harvard Medical School
Mike Oliphant, PhD
Department of Cell Biology
Harvard Medical School
Aaron Schmidt, PhD
Department of Microbiology
Harvard Medical School
Rosalind Segal, MD, PhD
Department for Graduate Education
Harvard Medical School
Cliff Tabin, PhD
Department of Genetics
Harvard Medical School
Vonda Shannon
Department of Genetics
Harvard Medical School